


The Cyber Trust Austria certification confirms compliance with high security standards in digital security management according to the EU…

KremsChem Austria GmbH is proud to announce that we have successfully obtained ISCC+ certification!

Since 2019, a successful collaboration between KremsChem and Nordmann has focused on strengthening the wood industry with advanced flame-retardant…

KremsChem is expanding its company fire brigade and added the Hilfsleistungslöschfahrzeug HLF 3 to its existing fleet.

As part of the apprentice trip this year, our apprentices visited the company Doka.

Metadynea Austria is setting the course for the future. The company will now operate under the name KremsChem Austria.

On September 6th, our annual employee summer party took place at the Heurigen Baumgartnerhöhe in Langenlois.

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Together with the municipality of Krems, the Metadynea Industrial Park organized a disaster control exercise on June 4, 2024.

Metadynea Austria was able to exchange its previous bronze medal for a silver medal this year.